Lyrina plays...
Lyrina plays...
Komplettiert=Komplettiert Angespielt=Angespielt
Spende, für neue Hardware
[A] [B] [C] [D]
A Boy and his Blob
A Plague Tale - Innocence
A Tale for Anna
A Twisted Tale - DEMO
Abandoned System - The Escape
Aboard the Adventure - DEMO
Allods Online
Amiga Spiele
Amnesia - The dark descent
Another World - 20th Anniversary Edition
Apocalipsis - Harry at the End of the World
Apocalipsis - One Night in the Woods
Arc Doors
Arcade Pool
Artificial - DEMO
Artisan TD
Asheron's Call 2
ATA - The Revenge
Aurora - The Lost Medallion - The Cave DEMO VERSION
Back to the Future - The Game - Episode 1 - It's About Time
Bad Cat
Bad North - Jotunn Edition
Baphomets Fluch
Baphomets Fluch II - Die Spiegel der Finsternis
Baphomets Fluch 2.5
Baphomets Fluch III - Der schlafende Drache
Baphomets Fluch IV - Der Engel des Todes
Baphomets Fluch V - Der Sündenfall
Berd das Brot und die Unmöglichen
Beyond The Edge Of Owlsgard
Beyond the Ice Palace
Blue Angel 69
Boulder Dash
Bouncing Ball
Boxes - Lost Fragments
Boxes - Lost Fragments - DEMO
BrainBreak - DEMO
Braveland Pirate
Braveland Wizard
Bridge Constructor - Playground
Bridge Constructor - Portal
Buggy Boy
California Games
Catie in MeowmeowLand
Cave Quest 2 - DEMO VERSION
CLeM - The First Attribte (DEMO)
Cleo - A pirate's tale
Command & Conquer - Renegade
Command & Conquer - Tiberian Sun
Contraption Maker
Crazy Machines
Creapy Tale
Creepy Tale 2
Creepy Tale 3 - Ingrid Penance
Creepy Tale 3 (2) - Some Other Place
Cthulhu saves the World
Cube Stories
Dark Caves
DarkQuest II
Das Maya-Grab
Das schwarze Auge: Satinavs Ketten
Death Track - Resurrection
Deathflood - Dungeon Of Doom
Delores - A Thimbleweed Park Mini-Adventure
Der Herr der Ringe Online
Diablo IV
Die Smaragdmaid - Symphonie der Träume
Die Rückkehr der Finsternis
Demon Hunter 4 - Raetsel des Lichts
Doctor Who
Doctor Who - A Space and Time Saga - DEMO VERSION
Doctor Who - Die Unendlichkeitsuhr
DOOM - The ultimate Doom
Doors - Paradox
Doors - Paradox - DEMO
Dr Dangerous - Secrets of the Temple of Xol'Tan
Druidstone - The Secret of the Menhir Forest
Dungeon Rushers
Dungeon Rushers
Dyna Blaster
Fred from "Fred's back"Heavy from "Hard 'n' Heavy"
[E] [F] [G] [H]
Elroy and the Aliens
Elven Legacy
Erenshor DEMO
Escape the Dark Tower
Euro Truck Simulator 2 DEMO
EverCraft Online
EverQuest - Timelocked Progression Server: Agnarr
EverQuest Classic
EverQuest Archives
EverQuest - General videos
EverQuest - How to find...
EverQuest - The Al'Kabor Project
EverQuest - The Al'Kabor Project - Timelocked Progressionserver
EverQuest - Project Quarm
EverQuest II
EverQuest II - Anshti Sul
Evoland 2 - A Slight Case of Spacetime Continuum Disorder
E.X.I.S. - The Planet far away
Family Guy Online
Fell SFell Seal: Arbiter's Mark
Fell Seal: Arbiter's Mark - DEMO
Flight of the Amazon Queen
Foolish Mortals - DEMO
Fred's back
Fred's back II
Fünf Freunde 1 - Auf Schatzsuche
Gabriel Knight II - The beast within
Gem Wizard
Galador - Der Fluch des Prinzen
Game Over
Geschichten aus dem Uhrwerk - Die Geschichte von Glass und Ink
Ghost Valley
Gods - Into the wonderful
Gods - Lands of infinity
Gold Quest 6 - Im Bann der 7 Drachen - Extended Edition
Golf Dash Extended
Grauen aus der Tiefe - Das verschwundene Herz
Grim Fandango
Grimmige Legenden - Der Fluch der Braut
Grimmige Legenden 2 - Das Lied des dunklen Schwans
Guild wars 2
Half-Life - Blue Shift
Hansmanns Lode Runner
Hard 'n' Heavy
Heartwood Online
Heir of the Dog - DEMO
Heroes of Might and Magic III
Heroine's Quest - The herald of ragnarok
Hitman - Absolution
[I] [J] [K] [L]
Ice Runner
Iceblox Plus
Iji - Sector 9

Impossible Mission II
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade: Das Graphic Adventure
Indiana Jones IV - and the Fate of Atlantis
Indiana Jones und die Legende der Kaisergruft
International Karate Plus
Irony Curtain - From Matryoshka with Love
It's magic
Jocky Wilson's Darts Challenge
Jungle Joe
Kampf der Königin - Turm der Dunkelheit
Ken Follett’s - The Pillars of the Earth
Kindom Come - Deliverance
Kingdom of Drakkar
Knights of Pen & Paper II - There to be Dragons
Kondi Krush!
Landstalker - Die Schätze von König Nolo
Legend of Keeper - Career of a Dungeon Manager
Legends of Amberland - The Forgotten Crown
Legends of Castile - A folk point and click adventure game DEMO
Leisure Suit Larry 6 - Yacht nach Liebe!
Leisure Suit Larry - Wet Dreams Don't Dry
Leisure Suit Larry - Wet Dreams Dry Twice
Life of Delta
Little Britain - The PC Game
Living Legends - Die Eisprinzessin
Living Legends - Die Eisrose
Lords of EverQuest
Lost Horizon
Lost Horizon 2
Lost in Play
Lotus Turbo Challange 2
Lucy Dreaming
Lucy Dreaming - DEMO
LUNA - The Shadow Dust - DEMO
[M] [N] [O] [P]
Märchenmysterien - Der Puppenspiele
Märchenmysterien 2 - Die Bohnenstange
Machinika Atlas
Machinika Museum
Magic Cauldron - Dungeons
Magic Cauldron - Dungeons - DEMO VERSION
Maniac Mansion
Maniac Mansion 2 - Day of the Tentacle
Mario's Game Gallery
Martin Luther auf der Spur
Maze Of The Mummy
Midnight Resistance
Millie and Molly
Milo and the Christmas Gift
Minions of Mirth
Mission Critical
Mission Supernova
Mist Legacy
The Secret of Monkey Island
Return to Monkey Island
Monolith (DEMO)
Monster Hunter -World - Iceborne
Monster and Memories
Mortyr - 2093-1944
Murder On Space Station 52 - Demo
Murder On Space Station 52
Mythische Wunder - Reise zum Stein der Weisen
Nelson and the Magic Cauldron
Nelson and the Magic Cauldron 2 - The Journey
Not Actually A DOS Game
Oceanhorn: Monster of Uncharted Seas
Orbital Cargo Station
P. P. Hammer and his Pneumatic Weapon
Pharaoh's Revenge
Pixel Puzzles Illustrations & Anime
Pixel Puzzles Mosaics
Pixel Puzzles Ultimate
Plot of the Druid - DEMO
Portal 2
Portal Stories: Mel
Portal: Revolution
Powers in the Basement
President Rocket Game - DEMO
Project: Gorgon
Puzzle Bobble
Spinning Image (Millie und Molly)Fighters from The Way Of The Exploding Fist
[Q] [R] [S] [T]
Quartet Sega Randel's Monday
Rick Dangerous II
Ronja Räubertochter
Royal Defence
Runes of Magic
Runespell: Overture
Sam & Max
Samorost 1
Samorost 2
Samorost 3
Santas Workout 4 - Jingle all the way
Scott Whiskers in - The Search for Mr. Fumbleclaw
Scott Whiskers in - The Search for Mr. Fumbleclaw (DEMO)
Scott Whiskers - The Search for the Golden Cat - (DEMO)
Secret Files 1 - Tunguska
Secret Files 2 - Puritas Cordis
Secret Files 3
Secret Files - Sam Peters
Secrets of Grindea
Shroud of the Avatar
Sid Meier’s - Civilization IV
Sid Meier’s - Civilization VI
Sin Slayers - Reign of The 8th - DEMO
Solomon's Key
Solomon's Key 2
Space Quest 6 - Roger Wilco in the Spinal Frontier
Space Taxi
Spinning Image
Star Vikings Forever
Star Trek Online
Star Wars - Dark Forces - Remaster
Star Wars - The old republic
Stellar Mess - The Princess Conundrum DEMO
Stone Age
Stranded II
Street Sports Basketball
Suche in Tibet - Jenseits des Endes der Welt
Tales of Boon
The Abandoned Planet
The Adventures Of Bryan Scott - DEMO VERSION
The Booze of Monkey Island - BETA
The Castle
The Dungeon Of Naheulbeuk
The Elder Scrolls Online
The Great Giana Sisters
The House of Da Vinci
The Incredible Machine
The Inner World 2 - Der letzte Windmönch
The Legend of Pirates Online
The Legend Of Skye
The Legend Of Skye - DEMO
The little Acre
The Night of the Rabbit
The Pedestrian
The Plan
The Room
The Room Two
The Room Three
The Room 4 - Old Sins
The Talos Principle
The Talos Principle II
The Stanley Parable - Ultra Deluxe
The Uncertain - Last Quiet Day
The Uncertain - Light At The End
The Way Of The Exploding Fist
The Withness
There is no game - Wrong dimension
Thimbleweed Park
tiny & Tall - Gleipnir
Tiny Glade
Tiny Thor
Tobe's Vertical Adventure
[U] [V] [W] [X]
UNEpic Villagers and Heroes
Warcraft Adventures - Lord of the Clans
Warcraft II - Tides of Darkness
Whirlight - No Time To Trip - DEMO
Willy Morgan and the Curse of Bone Town
Witching Stone - DEMO
Wizard 101
Wizard of Wor
Wizardry 8
Wolfenstein 3D
Wonder Boy
Woody the Worm
World of Warcraft - Classic - Wrath of the Lich King
World of Warcraft - Classic - Lucifron
World of Warcraft - Warmane
World of Warcraft
[Y] [Z] [#] [-/-]
Yie Ar KUNG-FU Zak McKracken - And the Alien Mindbenders
Zak McKracken 2 - Between Time and Space
Zoo Mania
3 Minutes to Midnight - A Comedy Graphic Adventure (DEMO)
Komplettiert=Komplettiert Angespielt=Angespielt
Spende, für neue Hardware

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